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Get Self Help Website


This English website has many self-help guides that you can print off or browse online including:


Depression, Anxiety, Low mood
Sleeping Problems,
Stress, Panic, Controlling Anger, Shyness and Social Anxiety, Obsessions and Compulsions, 
Health Anxiety.



Moodjuice Website


This Scottish website contains a range of excellent PDF and Printable self-help guides on conditions such as:


Anger, Anxiety, Bereavement, Chronic Pain, DepressionObsessions and Compulsions, Panic,

Post Traumatic Stress , Shyness and Social Phobia,

Sleep Problems, Stress

Inspiration Gallery


Our "Inspiration Gallery" contians a number of though provoking and positively motivating images, quotes and proverbs which our site-members have found helpful. We add to these every month so if you find an appropriate image that makes you think or feel happy and want to share it, send it to and they can upload it.


6 Ways to Wellbeing

Everyone faces challenges in life. How big or difficult these challenges are will be different for each of us but we all know what it’s like to feel drained and struggling to cope. This booklet is about ways to build on our strengths and to increase our resilience in order to meet the challenges we all encounter from time to time.


It is also about going further than coping and surviving and realising that there is good evidence that a range of simple actions are strongly linked to people feeling happier and more satisfied with their lives. It is about knowing that there are actions you can take that will build up your health and wellbeing and then doing something about it yourself – taking small steps to living well.



Self Help Resouces

Self-Help Resources

Try Our Wellbeing Self-Test



This online self-test tells you how well you may be at the moment compared to other people.

You can do this test as many times as you want when you visit WELL4U over the weeks or months and keep a record, so you can look at any changes or patterns.

Look at our six-ways to wellbeing to help you improve your score.

If you are worried about your scores, you could contact a Peer Wellbeing Champion for tips through the online chat or request to speak to a Counsellor on a self-referral page. 



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